🌴Vacation WOD Dashboard, 🔧Fix Your Floor Press,
& More!
August 2022 Monthly Curl:
🌴Vacation WOD Dashboard:
As previously mentioned in our emails and in club, the studio will be closed the 5th-12th. During this time, on-demand workouts will be available to members via our vacation dashboard below. With a mix of strength, cardio, and bodyweight only workout, I'm sure there is something you will enjoy! Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions, comments, or concerns.
🔧 Fix Your Floor Press:
Gaining strength in movements often requires a solid understanding of the basic form itself. In this video, we cover an often overlooked aspect of the floor press, and why it is a key part to not only increasing weight with the movement, but simply feeling comfortable under the bar.
💯Fit Force Scores: Updated!
Below is our most recent Fit Force Scores! For each class you take, you earn a point!