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  • Writer's pictureTrevor at LWStrength

🌞Summer AM Times, 🏋️Flex Updates,

🖋️New WOD Board!

June 2022 Monthly Curl:


🎥On-Demand Reset:

Our 2 free monthly on-demand workouts have been updated below newsletter. Kudos to everyone who has utilized this as a way to get a workout in if you were unable to make it to the club for a class!


🌞Summer AM Class Shift:

Our AM Classes will be transitioning to our summer set-up starting Wednesday, June 22. The summer transition removes our 5AM slots, and replaces them with a 7AM slot. Below you can view the upcoming change. All changes will be reflected in the member app.


🏋️Strength Class Additions!

An exciting new addition to our strength classes is upon us! Previously, our squat rack was mainly used for accessory movements including use of landmines, battle ropes, and more. We have just added a new squat stand to our equipment arsenal, meaning, many more compound strength movements will be seen in classes! We are talking about more bench pressing, squatting, and more! In addition to that, we’ve added a few more of the most popular 5lb weight plates for the most ideal incremental changes to your bars. Let's load um’ up!


🖋️Our New WOD Board!

Been to class lately? If so, you will have seen our new workout board! Along with just seeing it, you could probably more clearly read all of the torture for the workout ahead! We are super excited to make a shift to a virtual workout whiteboard. This shift is one of many at the club to aid in making your workout experience as seamless and exceptional as possible.


💯Fit Force Scores: Updated!

Below is our most recent Fit Force Scores!


🔥On-Demand: Monthly Reset

Your brand new on-demand workouts are now available! Each month, you will get access to 2 unique online workouts. These can be done anytime throughout the month, absolutely free to all LWStrength Members. Miss class? Here is a great option!



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